19. 11. 22

Billy & Viora

Our Wedding Day

Billy & Viora


And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.

- 1 Corinthians 13:13

Billy Buwono Hartanto

The Second Son Of,
Mr. Tan Meng Hock
Mrs. Tjandra Sri Rahayu


Viora Natalica

The Third Daughter Of,
Mr. Tjong Fung Ka
Mrs. Liliana Widjaja

Holy Matrimony

Saturday, 19th November 2022

Westin Hotel, Jakarta

10.00 AM

Wedding Reception

Saturday, 19th November 2022

Westin Hotel, Jakarta

18.00 PM

After Party

Saturday, 19th November 2022

Westin Hotel, Jakarta

21.00 PM


Men: suit & tie

Ladies: formal gown ( preferably dark colors: black, grey, navy )


This invitation only valid for 1 Person

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Kindly tag your memories in our wedding with hashtag:

Your presence and prayers will bring joy to us.

Thank You

Billy & Viora

Billy & Viora

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